Russia Officially Blames the Ukraine for Killing Dugina

The official news is that Russia has officially blamed the Kiev revolutionary Jewish government for killing Alexander Dugin’s daughter, Darya Dugina.

This was pretty obvious. Who else was going to do it? The CIA could maybe do a high level assassination of someone who matters – the Ukraine can only manage to kill a completely irrelevant person.

I think Clint Ehrlich is right.

Kiev was putting on a performance for Washington. Kiev doesn’t have the ability to kill anyone important, but people in America think Dugin is important. He’s not taken very seriously in Russia, and he is definitely not “Putin’s brain” as the Jewish American media keeps claiming. He is not important enough to have serious security.

But Zelensky is like “well, we’ve gotta assassinate someone to make it look like we’re doing something with all this money the US is sending,” and Dugin was the obvious target, as he’s not actually important, so he doesn’t have any serious security, but Americans apparently think he’s important.

Of course, the Ukrainians were so incompetent that they accidentally killed his daughter, which just makes them look like psychopaths.

All of the vaxed-out Twitter people were celebrating her death, saying that she was also pure evil, but it’s very clear they meant to kill Dugin.

I’ve seen people on Twitter saying that they wanted to kill his daughter to cause him emotional distress, but I don’t really think they care about that. They wanted to demonstrate ability by killing an alleged high level strategist, and then accidentally killed his daughter.

But retards at the Pentagon are going to be like “wow, so hardcore – send more money!”

This shoddy bimbo has a point – why are we allowing this?

Well, because “we” allow everything. We allowed the coronavirus hoax, which was the most ridiculous nonsense ever. Now we continue to allow child trannies, which is the most evil thing ever.

So “we” just allow everything.

Americans are fat, stupid losers who do nothing but eat hot chips and masturbate.

There are exactly zero things that America won’t allow. You can’t get any worse than the coronavirus hoax and child trannies, so of course anything less ridiculous and evil than those two things – which is everything – is going to be allowed.