Russia Says Drone Proof US is Involved in the Ukraine

It’s a little bit ridiculous to talk about “proof” the US is involved in the Ukraine war. The US is the only reason the Ukraine war is happening.

Zelensky wanted to negotiate with Russia in March of 2022, and the US told him he wasn’t allowed to do that. It is the ultimate “proxy war” in that the Ukraine isn’t even interested in fighting the war, and is only engaged at all because the US is demanding it.


Moscow will attempt to recover the wreckage of the American MQ-9 Reaper drone that fell into the Black Sea on Tuesday, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, has announced.

Speaking live on Russian federal broadcaster Rossiya 1 on Wednesday, the official admitted that he doesn’t know if it will be possible to reach to the remains of the UAV but stressed that it was important to make an effort to find and study the wreckage.

Patrushev also added that “Americans keep saying that they are not participating in the hostilities” in Ukraine and that this latest incident with the drone is “yet another confirmation that [the US] are directly involved” in the ongoing military conflict.

The secretary’s statement comes after Washington’s European Command (EUCOM) reported that one of its MQ-9 Reaper drones was brought down over the Black Sea on Tuesday morning as a result of “unsafe and unprofessional” actions by two Russian Su-27 fighter jets. The Pentagon insists that one of the Russian interceptors had “struck the propeller” of the drone while it was conducting a reconnaissance mission in international airspace.

The Russian Defense Ministry has denied claims that its planes came into contact with the American drone, but reported that Aerospace Forces had recorded the flight of an American UAV over the Black Sea towards the Russian border and dispatched two interceptors to investigate. The ministry noted that the aircraft was flying with transponders turned off and in violation of the temporary air borders established around the ongoing military operation area in Ukraine.

With this drone, if the US wanted to, they could just say that the drone was being operated by the Ukraine, and that would mean it’s just the same thing that has been happening.

What’s more, the US admits to doing satellite targeting for Ukraine long range missile systems.