Russia Tries to Stop Satanic, Tyrannical UN Power Grab Pact But Gets Outvoted

Why would any human on earth think that giving the UN more power would be good for anyone?

The UN is simply a tentacle of the United States. It’s not a legitimate organization.

That’s why they have a warrant out for Putin’s arrest but they’re still considering whether Bibi did anything wrong. Slaughtering all those kids in Gaza could just be part of a big mix-up of some sort.

The Guardian:

Russia was left badly isolated at a high-profile UN summit in New York when it made a surprise move to derail an ambitious pact designed to revive the UN – and failed.

Russia’s move to defer adoption of the agreement on the grounds that it supposedly represented western interests was rejected on Sunday by 143 votes to seven with 15 abstentions.

The Russian delegation said that if the planned vote endorsing the high-profile “pact for the future” were not deferred pending further talks, it would seek to move an amendment asserting the key issues addressed in the pact are the subject of domestic jurisdiction in which the UN should not seek to intervene.

But the overwhelming UN general assembly vote threw out Russia’s call for deferment and its amendment.

The Russian move, at the outset of the two-day “summit for the future”, looked diplomatically clumsy, if perhaps designed for domestic consumption. It angered speakers from the African Union (AU) and Mexico, underlining that Moscow had only limited support, notably from Belarus, Venezuela, Syria and Iran.

Yeah, so they had the support of the good countries.

The AU, led by the Republic of Congo, called for the Russian amendment to be rejected.

The pact is seen by many in the global south as both a well-intended and necessary collective effort at UN renewal as well as a personal legacy for a relatively popular UN secretary general António Guterres.

Popular? He looks like he’s going to pop, if that’s what you mean. Retard.

But the controversy underlined the extent to which ideological divisions have damaged multilateral cooperation at the UN, the very issue that the pact was seeking to address.

Russia objected to 25 provisions in the draft pact, including asserting the primacy of national jurisdiction and rejecting language on universal access to sexual and reproductive health rights, as well as gender empowerment more broadly.

Yeah, it’s all kinds of feminist and tranny stuff that is now being established as the basis of human existence.

The Africans went along with it because they were bribed, not because they love trannies and want to be ruled by women.

Russia and China are the only countries that are going to defend the rights of independent nations to act independently.