Russian Jew Terrorist Yulia Ioffe Says the War on Russia is About Gay Sex and Destroying Christianity

Whenever I see anything from Russian Jew Bolshevik terrorist and fake journalist Yulia Ioffe, I always think of that time she faked an email from me.

I have to say, through that entire 3-4 year period where I was constantly in the media, that was probably the weirdest thing that ever happened to me. It certainly was not the most troublesome or sadistic – that would be the nonstop targeting of my family.

But her posting that fake email was just like “wait, what? What even is this?”

Anyway, obviously since all of those think-tank papers were published about how I was exploiting the media for my own purposes, the media no longer covers me, because they just assume everything I say is one microscopic cog in my catastrophic plan.

It’s been nice not having the media cover me. Despite what many people who have no idea what they’re talking about will assert, I never got any readership because I was attacked by the media. I did make the media look stupid, which was fun, but I’ll tell you – being on the media constantly isn’t really something you want. I guess some people think they want that, but really you just end up feeling like that song Eminem wrote whining about being famous.

Of course, I’m not an angry, whiny person, so I never felt exactly like that. But I understood the sentiment.

Meanwhile, while I’ve been cut out of the media rotation, while able to peacefully write my material without being harassed, most of the lunatic journalists fixated on me have had their careers fall off. I don’t know if there’s a connection there.

Ioffe was always basically just too Jewish. She was just totally unhinged, saying things she’s not supposed to say. She has continually been fired from various publication for saying unhinged things and just being too obvious. I don’t even know where she works now, but as someone totally obsessed with destroying Russia – a country that allowed her family to leech off of it for centuries – she’s making a lot of noise pushing for escalation.

This week, she posted one of the most telling tweets I’ve seen from any Jew this whole time.

That’s basically agreeing with everything I write here: the war on Russia, run by Jews, is a war on “conservative, white Christian values.” The Jews want the entire world to be about gay sex and feminism, and they will fight wars with anyone who opposes that agenda.

Right there it is. It’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

Jews lie constantly, and disguise their motives. The reason Ioffe has been fired so many times is that she’s not good at that. Too often, she just comes out and says exactly what Jewish goals actually are.

You people think I’m exaggerating or using dramatic effect when I say that the entire world order revolves around a Jewish obsession with forcing people to have gay sex. But that is literally the long and short of it.