Russian Sentenced to 7 Days in Jail for Holding a Swastika Flag

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2013

Dear God ... the horror ...
Dear God … the horror …

A court in Russia’s western city of Yaroslavl has sentenced a man to 7 days in the clink for waving a Swastika flag at a soccer game.

Russia has a history with Swastikas, but I wonder if people get sent to jail for holding up a hammer and sickle (note: they do not).

Radio Free Europe reports:

Police in Yaroslavl say a soccer fan from Vladimir Oblast, whose name was not disclosed, was found guilty of propagating extremism and sentenced on November 20.

Police had launched investigations into mass disorders at the soccer match between Yaroslavl’s Shinnik and Moscow’s Spartak soccer clubs on October 30, where the man held up a large Nazi flag.

The clashes between the fans led to fights between police and fans. The match was stopped and resumed 20 minutes later.