Sam Hyde Waylaid at Top Nazi Rally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2015

Nazi leader Sam Hyde was assailed by a female communist at a recent rally.

Do they think they can stop him?

(srs) keep me rolling, gas tank full, doing shit like this, donate @

(comedian assaulted with microphone by victim-shaming bully) …I was put in my place by a wise mujer… I suppose next time I should think twice before doing hatethought at a safespace open mic… stand-up comedy open mics are safe spaces and I need to respect that. It’s possible she had some issues with needing a good fuck, something like that, I wouldn’t know anything about that but I felt quite a bit of body heat coming from her and it’s possible she has some dysfunctional fuck issues and needs to be put in her place by a man? I don’t know it’s not my job to sort through other peoples issues I’m just here to be an apology sponge and grief mop. Hit me.