Problem: there isn’t a pandemic, and the “Pope” is responsible for creating this satanic situation.
Pope Francis offered a strongly worded rebuke to those who abuse women and children in their own home, saying such people were universally seen as evildoers. Domestic violence is on the rise due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
To be fair, the fake pandemic has also led to a rise in dirty whores who won’t keep their filthy mouths shut.
But yeah, as “anti-woman” as I might be, the fact is that the extreme rise in substance abuse that has resulted from these insane measures is going to lead to a lot more women getting beaten up – regardless of the circumstances.
The remarks by the pontiff were among the Catholic Church’s most stringent condemnations yet of domestic abuse. They were made during a special program that aired on Italy’s TG5 network on Sunday, which introduced to the audience four people struggling with serious hardships in their life and seeking consolation from the Pope.
Yeah, see.
It’s all just about the poor innocent sluts.
There is no condemnation of the people who created these conditions, and apparently, there isn’t even a mention of the rise in substance abuse.
We just had the most people ever in history die of opioids in the United States. Seems like a slightly bigger issue than some slut who won’t shut her mouth having it shut for her.
The first guest, Giovanna, said she had fled a violent and miserable home, taking her four children with her, but Covid restrictions had made her situation much worse, trapping them in trauma and destitution.
“The number of women who are beaten and abused at home, even by their own husbands, is very large,” the Pope said. “For me, this problem is almost satanic, because abusers take advantage of the weakness of those who cannot defend themselves.”
Abuse by a spouse or a parent is particularly vile and humiliating, Francis added. Preserving one’s dignity in such a situation is hard, he said, pointing to the inspiring example of Jesus’ mother, Mary, who kept her dignity even as her son was denounced as a criminal and hung near-naked on a cross.
It’s sick, sick, sick to evoke Mama Mary in this discussion.
That is what is satanic.
You show me a woman with the purity of Jesus’ mother, and I’ll go full Negan defending her from any man trying to enter her radius.
But there aren’t any women like or even in any way remotely similar to that at all, and it is just beyond repulsive to evoke Mary when referring to modern women – all of who deserve to be beaten up.
That said – this was obviously something I predicted in the beginning of this hoax – that all of these insane measures, including stopping work, the masks, the fear, the closing of the schools, the government coercion – all of it – would lead to mass family collapse, divorce, and domestic violence.
Frankly, it’s rare that a woman says any single sentence and I don’t think “you know, she really deserves to be punched in the face for saying that.” But I obviously don’t do it. It’s not her fault she’s evil and retarded.
But of course, as we spiral deeper into the madness created by this hoax, more and more men are going to lose their cool. There was nothing on earth more obvious than the fact that this was going to happen. Divorce rates are shooting up like a rocket. (Note that you really need to look at “family separations,” since a lot of people have been unable to finalize divorces because the court room is riddled with a deadly virus).
Of course, what the Pope should be saying – if he were a Christian – would be that women need to be more understanding of their husbands, and the struggles that they are going through, and to try to care for them more during this period of “pandemic” which is a lot harder on men than women.
But of course he won’t say that, because he’s not a Christian, and he is pro-divorce.
Of course it’s wrong to beat a woman who doesn’t deserve it. The problem is, in the current year, “a woman who doesn’t deserve to be beaten” is an oxymoron.
And again – the fact that the Pope won’t point out that the POLICIES THAT HE SUPPORTS are what is causing this spike in domestic troubles just demonstrates once again how completely fake and retarded this all is.
The Pope is a heretic. He is morally on the level of Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates. But the fact that he is sitting at the head of our ancient Church makes him infinitely more evil.
If the Pope actually cared about real problems, he’d be addressing this:
This is the real tragedy of our age.
Red-winged parrots are getting loaded on alcohol-rich mangoes and dying of intoxication or accidents caused by flying under the influence, Australian veterinarians have warned.
December is the end of the mango season in Western Australia’s Kimberley region, so there’s a lot of fallen fruit on the ground. Being especially rich in sugar, mangoes produce high amounts of alcohol while rotting under the sun.
This abundance of free booze has become a real threat to local red-winged parrots, which are simply addicted to the fermented mangoes.
Not only will the fake pope not address the drunk driving problem amongst parrots, the head of NATO also refuses to address this issue. Instead, he thinks it’s more important to start some kind of lunatic nuclear war with Russia to protect the fundamental human right of public man-on-man anal sex in front of children on the streets of Kiev by heavily arming Mossad-run neo-Nazi groups.