Saudi Arabia Says Antony Blinken Isn’t Coming to Their Country

Previously: Bloomberg Informs Dumb Retards That Saudi Selling Oil in Yuan is No Big Deal

The only reason this would have been reported in the first place is if the White House was leaking a plan for Blinken to go to the Kingdom.

Typically, America calls up countries and says “hey, we’re coming over.” That’s how things have worked since the end of World War I.

Things don’t work that way anymore.

Saudi is literally saying he isn’t welcome.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will not be making a trip to Saudi Arabia in the “near future,” the country’s foreign ministry said, formally denying a recent report citing a local official.

In a missive carried by the Saudi Press Agency on Saturday, the FM “denied reports circulated in the media and attributed to an official source in the ministry regarding a visit to be made by the U.S Secretary of State to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the near future,” adding that the ministry “did not issue any statement in this regard.”

The report in question originated at Reuters, which cited “an official from the Kingdom’s foreign ministry” claiming Riyadh and Washington were planning a visit to “strengthen ongoing ‘positive discussions.” Earlier this week, Axios reported much the same after speaking to five US, Israeli and Palestinian sources.

Saudi Arabia is literally the founder of the petrodollar.

So what appears to be a split between Saudi and the US, with discussion of trading oil in yuan, and a flat refusal to even discuss opening up further reserves, is basically signaling the end of American global hegemony.

Boris went over to Saudi to beg for oil and they told him no. Now they’re telling America just to not come at all, they’re not giving any oil and they don’t want to hear gay moral lectures from that Jew Blinken.

This is all ostensibly triggered by the American response to the Ukraine crisis, but it’s more complicated than that.

America has transformed their entire perception of the world and the way they interact with it, as they’ve been transforming their vision for America domestically.

Basically, it’s changed from the rule of law, to “we are the most powerful beings in the universe and we can just force our will on everyone without consequences.”

The world now sees that they have an option to cooperate with China, a country that isn’t a bully and doesn’t act insane on the world stage, trying to force deranged agendas on everyone.

The American leadership has lost perception of any concept of “balance of power.” It’s now “every country on earth is basically Iraq” and “you have to do what we say or we’ll hurt you.”

They are doing this as the world watches the US collapse internally.

Whatever is going on with these people running America, it simply is not feasible to behave this way and expect anything other than every country you don’t directly control lining up to isolate you as a rogue state.

As this relates to Saudi Arabia: the biggest issues Saudi is looking at are practical concerns. I’m sure there are very smart advisors saying “America has lost the plot, they’re totally out of control and on the verge of imploding, and we need to start moving towards China ASAP.”

At the same time, however, Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. And the US spent two years demonizing them and giving the whole world moral lectures about how they killed a journalist.

The Prince isn’t going to forget that.

Even though, all of a sudden, the US claims not to care about that anymore, because they want Saudi to help them. That demonstrates that the leaders of the West don’t even have the moral fortitude to stand by their own moral grandstanding.

It’s not the least bit surprising that the same people who go on TV and cry about January 6 are prone to moralizing on the world stage, but the world stage is not the captive audience that is the American people. In America, they can silence people, they can hit them with abusive lawsuits, they can arrest protesters. They can’t use those techniques on the world at large.

Saudi Arabia is important.

They’re more important than they should be of course because of the lunatic “green agenda” of the West. But that is part of this whole “isolated, decadent, and deluded leaders causing internal societal collapse” thing that is going on.

But even without that, Saudi and the Gulf at large (which is in some ways just “Greater Saudi Arabia”) is still the biggest player on the global oil market, and the petrodollar is the basis of the dollar as global reserve currency, and they’re really a country you need on your side to keep this USD racket going.

The West installed the Saudi regime, so if they had a functional intelligence service, they could have kept the country on-side through espionage. But the CIA is filled with black women now, and still managed by deluded boomers in their 70s and 80s who still don’t know how to use the internet.

Things are probably going to start moving pretty fast.

Denying Biden’s calls, refusing entry to the Secretary of State, trading oil in yuan – these are not symbolic gestures.

You’re witnessing the end of the empire in real time.

The piper is coming to collect.