Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 12, 2020
Did I just see that nigger say “our viking ancestors”?
I did.
It’s just too much.
This is a video by Scandinavian Airlines with a bunch of white women saying that Scandinavia doesn’t really exist. It’s all just an illusion, and their entire culture was stolen from others.
I don’t know how long this video will be up, it’s a repost.
The original (original link) was made private after it went viral on Twitter and they had a crazy number of downvotes.

You should understand that this is a feminist ad. It’s all about women. Even has the big emotional women’s rights bit.
This is white women saying that they want more immigrants and white men need to realize they don’t have value and never accomplished anything.
Scandinavia hardly even has any Jews. The whole place is just run totally by women.

Sweden, by some weird miracle, actually does have a male Prime Minster, but his government is advertised as a “feminist government.”
Here’s what that looks like:
Sweden didn’t invent the hijab, they just traveled to the desert to find a bunch of niggers and bring them back to Sweden to put women in hijabs because it got the women sexually excited in a way Swedish men never could.