Schizos Right Again: US-Backed Biowarfare Labs in the Ukraine are Confirmed Real

Well, well, well.

The schizos were right again!

No, not about 5G nanobots in the vaccines (though honestly, they might be right about that too), but about the US funding biological and chemical weapons labs in the Ukraine.

The story goes: first, there were a few schizo threads about this, which everyone, myself included, dismissed.

Then, Russia claimed it was all real. Then, a US government webpage about it was deleted.

The Russian Ministry of Defense published statements and proofs.

Pravda says that they had the black plague, anthrax and brucellosis.

Then, Lavrov came out and gave a statement on it.

Then, the Chinese came out and complained about it.

Now, the latest is that Victoria Nuland (yes, that same fat Jew woman who ran the Maidan and set up the current revolutionary Jewish and neo-Nazi government of the Ukraine) appeared before Congress and admitted to the labs.

You’d think these labs would have been set to self-destruct in the case of a Russian invasion.

You would think that.

“US funding biowarfare labs banned under international law” is bad optics.

Of course, the American media isn’t mentioning any of this.

Instead, they’re talking about how the US needs to get these Polish jets into the Ukraine so the Ukrainians can… defeat the entire Russian military.Â