Scotland: With 64% Wanting Less Immigration, Scots Hate These People Nearly as Much as the Rest of the UK

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2015

Scotland is indeed an incredible place.  What is especially incredible is that the stupid, filthy goyim who live there don't understand how much more incredible it would be if it was filled with child-raping Moslems.
Scotland is indeed an incredible place. What is especially incredible is that the stupid, filthy goyim who live there don’t understand how much more incredible it would be if it was filled with child-raping Moslems.

So, in evil racist White supremacist Nazi Scotland – a land of pure hatred for the color of the skin – nearly two thirds of people have said they would like to see immigration reduced. This is nearly as high as the rest of the UK.

The BBC keeps publishing these polls like “oh my god… I can’t believe they don’t love the diversity…”

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say those saying "more immigration" are probably not White.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say those saying “more immigration” are probably not White.

But seriously. Why would anyone want all of these sickening people? What is the purpose? The only thing driving it – literally, the singular force – is White guilt, and at some point that is overridden by a desire to survive.


The poll found that 49% wanted to see less immigration, exactly the same proportion as across Britain, and 15% said it should be stopped altogether.

This is in contrast to politicians at Holyrood who tend to agree that Scotland needs more skilled migrants.

In the YouGov/BBC poll just 5% said immigration should be increased – only slightly more than in England.

Some 27% of Scots said immigration was good for the country compared to 22% across Britain.

The poll suggested that 64% of people in Scotland wanted immigration reduced or stopped completely. The figure for Britain as a whole was 70%.

It found that women in Scotland were more likely to want immigration cut (69%) than men (60%).

Thank God for that bit about women. Finally, they are beginning to realize that these monsters are a living threat to their children. Though I know Scottish women tend to be a bit more traditional than other British women.

This is no doubt due to strong Scottish men keeping them in line.