Sean Penn Says He’s Thinking About Personally Invading Russia

The Ukraine is now recruiting Hollywood actors to fight against Russia.

New York Post:

Actor Sean Penn is continuing to voice his support for Ukraine amid Russia’s unprovoked invasion of the country.

The 61-year-old “Dead Man Walking” star has been working on a documentary about escalating tensions in the country since last year, and flew to Ukraine in February to get a firsthand look at the war.

After spending some time on the ground in Kyiv, the actor told Hollywood Authentic magazine that he recently thought about taking up arms against Russia.

“If you’ve been in Ukraine [fighting] has to cross your mind,” Penn said in the interview published Saturday.

“And you kind of think what century is this? Because I was at the gas station in Brentwood the other day and I’m now thinking about taking up arms against Russia? What the f— is going on?”

Penn continued: “The only possible reason for me staying in Ukraine longer last time would’ve been for me to be holding a rifle, probably without body armor, because as a foreigner, you would want to give that body armor to one of the civilian fighters who doesn’t have it or to a fighter with more skills than I have, or to a younger man or woman who could fight for longer or whatever.”

Wait, is he saying he wants to invade Russia because of gas prices? I mean – why would he say “I thought of this when I was at the gas station in Brentwood”?

It’s back under $6 in California now, but I think his latest film didn’t do very well, and he probably drives a very large SUV.

Anyway – didn’t Sean Penn used to be a leftist? Like an old school leftist?

Why is he a neocon now?

He literally went on Sean Hannity and said there should be a nuclear strike on Russia.

Does he gain something from this personally, or is he just Jewish?

I saw this guy on TV crying; now he says he’s going to go try to kill Russians – without body armor.

He’s only actually half Jewish.

Oliver Stone is half Jewish and he’s pointing out the reality of this situation – that this is a NATO war that the Ukraine doesn’t even have anything to do with.

It makes zero difference to the average Ukrainian if the Ukraine joins NATO or if the Donbass secedes. But before the Russians invaded, Zelensky seized control of all media, so the average Ukrainian doesn’t even know why they are being invaded. The media is telling them Putin is trying to reestablish the USSR.

Imagine if California wanted to secede because it is a majority Mexican – would you die to keep it from seceding? Would you agree to have your house blown up? Would you join the military and start killing random civilians in your own neighborhood?

It’s not the best analogy, because California has been a part of America for almost 200 years, and was invaded by Mexicans. The Donbass and Crimea have always been Russian, it’s just that since 1991, they’ve technically been on the wrong side of an arbitrary border that was based on a Soviet administrative district.

Also, the Ukrainian government is illegitimate, given that it is a revolutionary government formed after a coup.

But still, I wouldn’t agree to die or have my house blown up to stop California from seceding.

Everyone who is pushing for this war in the Ukraine to continue is sacrificing the lives of Ukrainians for a NATO agenda that has nothing to do with the Ukrainian people. The blood is on their hands – not Putin’s.

Anyone who is following this story at all knows that this could end at any time if Zelensky signed a neutrality agreement and surrendered the Donbass. Putin has even said Zelensky can remain in power.

Sean Penn wants Ukrainians to die so he can feel good about himself. But now that he’s thrown it out there – yes, he should go fight. All of these people who are pushing the Ukrainians to fight in a war that has nothing to do with them should go fight themselves.