Islam Versus Europe
November 19, 2013

The person being interviewed here is Rudolf Hausmann, senior state prosecutor in Berlin, in charge of the Intensive Offenders Unit within the state prosecutor’s office.
FOCUS Online: Young, male, foreign roots – is that what the typical intensive offender looks like?
Hausmann: In principle: yes. 80 per cent of the intensive offenders in Berlin have an immigrant background. Most of them – 43 per cent – are of Arab origin, 32 per cent of Turkish origin.
FOCUS Online: Why do these groups especially cause so much trouble?
Hausmann: It doesn’t concern these groups as a whole. It would be wrong to say: All Turks and Arab boys are like that.
FOCUS Online: We’ve never said that …
Hausmann: … okay. I will just say: sweeping generalisations are unjust to the majority of well-integrated youth. A differentiation must be made.
FOCUS Online: Right. But it remains true that youths from the Kurdish-Turkish and Arab milieus make up the majority of intensive offenders. Why is that?
Hausmann: Sons from large Arab families mostly experience being raised in an archaic style in which physical violence also plays a major role. Unlike their sisters, everything is permitted to them. The parents impose no limits on them. They tolerate it when their boys don’t go to school and instead beat their way through life with their fists. That’s a huge problem.
FOCUS Online: A problem especially for the mostly German victims …
Hausmann: We must attempt everything to stop this development. It’s not uncommon for the families we are talking about here to have eight, nine, ten children. If the three oldest brothers have fallen into intensive offending, why should the fifth youngest then stick to the law? They have internalised the use of violence to such an extent that from time to time incredible crimes result.
Source: Focus
Notice how he’s reluctant to talk about it but is pressed on the issue by journalists doing their job for once.