Skyrocketing Numbers: Hero Duke Polling at 75% in Louisiana!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 27, 2016


In the first poll issued by Louisiana’s KLAB via Twitter, David Duke had 51%. However, this poll was largely skewed, given that Twitter has banned the majority of right-wingers from their faggoty hugbox website.

Now, in a much more straightforward poll on KLAB’s website, Duke’s numbers have soared to nearly 75%! There are nearly two dozen other candidates running for the office, making these numbers simply amazing.


And look – this was accomplished despite the fact that the Jews were attempting to flood the poll with anti-Dukism!

"Oy vey I only voted six million - I mean one time!"

“Oy vey I only voted six million – I mean one time!”

If it wasn’t for these Jews manipulating the poll, Duke could have well gotten over 90% support!

Duke isn’t simply going to win this election – he’s going to win by a landslide! Finally, we will have pro-White and anti-Jew representation in Washington!


Yes, you little faggot – this does mean your “foreign aid” is canceled! Time to get a job, you greasy little rat!