Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 5, 2014

The sneaky, sickening Jews of Slate Magazine have tacitly admitted that without parasiting off of Whites, Non-Whites would suffer and die in their own filth.
In a post attacking the American Nazi Party, Slate mocked a Tweet where the ANP told their supporters to watch their grammar, then went on to quote their literature, which says that they are not supremacists, but separatists, and believe that separation is best for all the races. Slate called them out, saying that this was not logical. Obviously, they don’t mean that it is better for Whites to be integrated with non-Whites, because no one anywhere could possibly make such an argument with a straight face. What they are saying, in so many words, is that if non-Whites were not allowed to parasite off of Whites, they would be doomed.
Of course, if the current trend continues too much longer, Whites are just going to die out, and the hordes will just cannibalize each other.
To give credit to the ANP, it would have been better for the blacks and other hordes if they had been left alone in their deserts and jungles. Now, however, they have become addicted to the White man’s free everything and magical technologies, and they could not possibly survive without us. Well, 97% of them couldn’t – the cannibal kings would possibly eventually learn how to hunt again, when everything the White man built was finally gone forever.
It is somewhat shocking to see such an admission from Slate, but I’m thankful for it. The least these people can do is tell it to us straight, as they purposefully destroy thousands of years of civilization and culture.