Sloppy Bitch Says Andrew Cuomo “Sexually Harassed” Her by Telling Her to Dress Better

Ask not for whom the slut’s accusation tolls – for the slut’s accusation tolls for thee.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has been accused by the latest slut of being a slut-fiddler.

Lindsey Boylan, a former aide of Cuomo’s now running for Manhattan borough president, lodged these accusations on Twitter.

Frankly, she didn’t really say anything specific he did – just that she was either told she wasn’t doing a very good job or she didn’t look good.

“I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation? This was the way for years,” Boylan said weirdly.

I hate to see it, but men get harassed about their looks more than women do, because bosses expect so much more from men. White men are expected to have competence to make up for the incompetence of the women and brown people who the government has flooded our workplaces with.

For the most part, bosses will just try to ignore women, given that all bosses know that they can’t be expected to do anything of value. The hope is that they just screw up as little as possible.

Basically, women have been trained to believe that any time anyone criticizes them, or makes them feel negative emotions (even if accidentally), they are a victim of harassment and should go whine to the world about it. So I’m not surprised that she’s saying that being told to clean up her appearance is a form of “sexual harassment” (if that is what she’s saying – it’s not really clear).

The bitch looks sloppy. She also looks like Cuomo is out of her league, by a significant margin.

That said, we can’t hardly run with that new definition, having failed to warn men of it. Can we?

Along with accusing the irate governor of sexual impropriety, she also accused him of lying about an eagle feather.

I thought that part was sort of weird, actually.

Like – wait, what?

It’s painfully obvious that this bitch is just trying to get attention for her political run.

I’m sure Cuomo is an asshole and yelled at her or whatever, but the man is not stupid. No one does workplace sexual harassment anymore, and no one intelligent has done it since at least the 1990s.

To be clear, I’m not even against it. I think women should be aggressively propositioned for sex every time they leave their homes unchaperoned, regardless of circumstance. But it is also clear that she is either lying, or that being told to clean up your appearance is a new form of sexual harassment that we didn’t know about yet.

Cuomo is probably taking this very hard. His public image is very important to him. He’s probably sitting at home crying and drinking, listening to Radiohead’s “The Bends.”

He probably feels like he was really good to this girl, and she’s betraying him.

I mean, the guy is a scumbag, but you can just tell by the way he behaves that he doesn’t view himself in his own head as the bad guy. He views himself as a hero, who deserves all of the praise the media gives him. So this has to be hard.

But yeah – they’re probably going to put him on trial and sentence him to decades in prison for telling this sloppy bitch to clean up her appearance.

Would anyone blink if some Jew judge said, “this woman says you were mean to her, and that’s against the law – you have to go to prison”?

I’ll tell you when people will blink – when Cuomo starts singing “Fake Plastic Trees” at his sentencing.