Small Victory: Gay Marriage Halted in Utah

Daily Stormer
January 7, 2014

This is good news, as it shows that not everyone is okay with the way this whole gay thing is coming down on us.

Ultimately, this will be pushed through. I have little doubt of that. But the fact that resistance exists is positive.

The “experts” are framing this as a purely legal issue.

From Desert News:

The Supreme Court’s decision to halt same-sex marriages in Utah indicates the court hopes to see a slower, more orderly process, legal experts say.

The stay issued Monday was no surprise to Rick Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, who tweeted Sunday night that the court would likely issue a stay Monday and that it might be unanimous. He was right on both counts, it appears.

Hasen said he expected the court to move to forestall chaos in Utah and the other 32 states that now ban gay marriage. “Judges watch what others judges do,” he said, “and I think the Supreme Court sent a very clear message to other lower courts that these things should be stayed until they are finally resolved.”

On hot button issues such as abortion, gun rights and now gay marriage, Hasen said, the court prefers things to “move slowly and incrementally, and if there is going to be change it should be change from the top.”

Part of the chaos centers on the 900 marriages in Utah performed during the interval before Monday’s stay and whether those will be considered valid. California offers no real precedent because the marriages there took place under California law before the voters changed the law, Hasen said. In this case, the underlying Utah law remains untouched, should the state win on appeal.