So You’re Saying That All These Shootings Were Caused by Racism?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2015

Here you have Sean Hannity interviewing a couple of Blacks about the weekend of brutal violence in Baltimore, a part of a huge crime spike which has taken place after the city’s Black Power Attorney General charged six cops with crimes – including murder (now reduced to manslaughter) – for allegedly driving a van wrong or helping someone drive a van wrong.

I lol’d a couple times during this clip.  The best part is when the Black says “this is the appendages of racism” and Sean says “appendages???”

I recently said that Sean Hannity is a much more conservative and relevant figure that Alex Jones.  This is an obvious fact.  It’s a shame the whole Fox News team is so Jewed-out, but nonetheless they are clearly helping our agenda by pushing a light version of these ideas into the mainstream.

By saying that racism is not the cause of collective Black behavior, Hannity is clearly indicating that there is something collectively wrong with Black people.  And that is exactly the key idea we need to be making sure people understand.  The “why” is a more intellectual concept that most people won’t ever really care about anyway.

In political science, there is something called the “Overton Window.”


In political theory, the Overton window is the range of ideas the public will accept. According to the theory, an idea’s political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within that window, rather than on politicians’ individual preferences. It is named for its originator, Joseph P. Overton (1960–2003), a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. At any given moment, the “window” includes a range of policies considered politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office.

I view my position as to push this as far to the right as possible, and I think that anything which serves to push this window to the right is ultimately positive. The mainstream soft right media is now working towards this end in a lot of areas.

This is a change from just a few years ago, when people like Hannity were pushing things to the left.