Somali Asylum Seeker Escapes Deportation Despite £91,000 Benefits Fraud

Daily Mail
December 7, 2013

Ayan Ismail walks away from the court scot-free after scamming the country out of £91,000
Ayan Ismail walks away from the court back to her tax-payer funded house, after scamming the country out of £91,000.

A Somali asylum-seeker who has evaded deportation despite twice being convicted of ID fraud, has walked free from court again after pleading guilty to a £91,000 benefit scam.

A judge ruled that Ayan Ismail, 39, could not be immediately removed from the country because she has a seven-year-old daughter who was born here, even though she was in the UK illegally when she became pregnant.

Adding insult to the decision, crown court Judge David Tomlinson ruled that she would not repay any of the money she has fraudulently claimed, saying:  ‘Awarding compensation is undesirable in a case like this.’

The mother-of-four’s litany of deception began when she entered the country in 1998 as a Canadian citizen by marriage.

Once in the UK, she applied for a national insurance number under a false identity and used it to claim housing benefit council tax benefit, income support, disability living allowance and employment and support allowance.

Under that false name she was convicted at Warwick Crown Court on September 30, 2004 of seeking to remain in the UK, by deception, and was sentenced to six months imprisonment, suspended for twelve months.

Then, using another bogus name of Saediya Mohamed in October 2005 she then successfully applied for permanent leave to remain in the UK as an asylum seeker.

Still in the country, she continued to use a false identity in a bid to claim permanent asylum.

He will have to make sure she returns home to thbis house, which the state pays for, by a certain time in the evening for the next 4 months as punishment.
She will have to make sure she returns to her tax-payer funded house by a certain time every night for 4 months, as punishment.

1998 –  Ayan Ismail enters the country, a Canadian citizen by marriage, and attempts to claim benefits, income support, disability living allowance and employment and support allowance under a false name.

2004 – She is convicted at Warwick Crown Court of seeking to remain in the UK by deception and is sentenced to six months imprisonment, suspended for twelve months.

2005 – Ismail uses another bogus name of Saediya Mohamed to successfully apply for permanent leave to remain in the UK as an asylum seeker.

2009 – She was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment for possession of the forged National Insurance card which bore the false name and seeking to obtain leave in the UK by deception.

2010 – Ismail is released and deportation papers are served against her. She begins claiming benefits again under the same false name of Saediya Mohamed

2012 – Her house is raided and a search revealed correspondence in Ismail’s name and her fake identity of Saediya Mohamed.

2013 – She is sentenced her to eighteen months imprisonment, suspended for two years, and ordered her to obey a night time electronically monitored home curfew for four months.

Still in the UK: Ismail is now married, her three oldest daughters were granted temporary visas to enter the UK for her wedding, all are still here.

She has a seven-year-old daughter and can’t be deported until a custody case is resolved.

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