Sometimes, You Do Think the Peasants Should Just be Liquidated

Sometimes, I think Pol Pot was right.

Sometimes, I think we need a leader, who has a vision, and that anyone who disagrees with the leader in any way at all should be taken out in a field, told to dig a hole, shot in the back of the head, and kicked into the hole.

These are the latest numbers on support for the Ukraine, from February, via AP:

Overall, the poll shows that about a quarter of Americans, 26%, now say the U.S. should have a major role in the situation, down from as high as 40% in March 2022. Still, 49% say the U.S. should have a minor role, and just 24% say it should have no role.

Since last March, the percentage of Democrats saying the U.S. should have a major role has dipped slightly from 48% to 40%, while among Republicans it has dropped from 35% to 17%.

Democrats also remain more likely than Republicans to favor imposing economic sanctions on Russia (75% to 60%), accepting refugees from Ukraine (73% to 42%), providing weapons to Ukraine (63% to 39%) and sending government funds to Ukraine (59% to 21%). Support has softened at least slightly among both Democrats and Republicans since last May.

39% of Republicans think we should be sending weapons to the anal Jewish neo-Nazi terrorist regime of Zelensky in the name of gay pride parades or because it’s like The Avengers or whatever.

That number is down from 63%.

And those Democrat numbers are… what even is this?

After more than 20 years of endless, nonsensical American military interventions, which did absolutely nothing but hurt this country, after two years of the Russia collusion hoax… why should these people not be handed a shovel and taken on a one-way trip out into the middle of a field?

Of course, I know the answers to these questions. Peasants are like sheep, and people who see the world have a Christian responsibility to guide them, rather than just killing them for being worthless bags of flesh.

They are humans with souls, and the problem is not them and their unbelievable (in fact incomprehensible) stupidity and gullibility and inability to grasp what appear to be the simplest imaginable concepts. The problem is the system of democracy that says that someone this stupid should be doing something other than manual labor.

In a system not controlled by Jews, these people would be supporting whatever other thing was on the media, and that fact alone means that they themselves are not the problem. They aren’t specifically drawn to bad ideas, they will just believe anything at all.

So the question, then, is never one of trying to convince anyone of anything. The question is one of changing the people in power by whatever means are available.