South Africa: 25 Confirmed Black-on-White Attacks in December

South Africa Today has compiled a list of all the black-on-white attacks (many of them fatal) that occurred in December.

Unsurprisingly, SA’s national media – and certainly the international media – continue to cover up this slow and 100% deliberate genocide.

It’s only thanks to the work of a small minority of white reporters who continue to cover farm attacks, notably Ian Cameron of AfriForum, that we hear about them at all.

South Africa Today:

Dec 1 – The body of an as yet unknown 54 year old woman is found in her home in Short street, Hilton area, Aliwal North. It is discovered in a subsequent post mortem that she was strangled.

Dec 1- An elderly woman, Dirkie van Zyl (89) is beaten over the head with a hammer by a black male home invader during the night in Hoopstad. She survives but has to be hospitalized with a deep gash in her head.

Dec 2 – JB Strydom, a father of 3, is shot dead at point-blank range by Carlo Arendse, a coloured male, in the parking of the Menlyn Main shopping center. There was no reason to shoot him. Arendse only shot him because he felt like it. Strydom recently emigrated to England and just came back to fetch his daughters.

Dec 3 – Johan du Plessis (66), who stays alone, is attacked by 2 black males during the night in his house on a smallholding at Hartbeespoort. He was tied up and kicked relentlessly on the ground. The attackers also completely cut off his one ear. He was only found in the morning when his employer arrived to fetch him for work. Oom Johan was simply too weak to go and look for help.

Dec 4 – A man only known as Darius is attacked and tied up by an unknown number of black male attackers in his home on a smallholding in Hercules, Gauteng. He is also beaten over the head with an iron rod and his house ransacked. He is left with serious injuries.

Dec 4 – An unidentified man (54) is shot dead during a home invasion in Benoni small farms (corner of Glen Gory Rd and Krige street. Incident happened in front of his son. Source Benoni City Times).

Dec 5 – A 76 year old woman, Pat Ellies, is found murdered in her flat in Rondebosch. Her house was ransacked and her vehicle missing.

December 6 – Martin Ackerman (42) dies next to his wife after their vehicle overturned when Martin did not see a double row of stones packed in the Bronville-Masimongmyn road. Martin was on the way to drop his company’s security guards. The road was further darkened by load shedding.

Dec 7 – Catherine Irving (54) who stayed alone and cared for animals is stabbed to death by 4 black males in broad daylight on a smallholding in Mbombela(Nelspruit).

Dec 9 – The elderly Costa Panayiotou is shot dead in front of his shop in Uitenhage CBD. His vehicle is also hijacked.

Dec 10 – Greg Brooks (61), the head of the Drakensberg Boys Choir stabbed 14 times in his house on the school property during a home invasion by 4 black men. They first ransacked the house but Greg put up a fight when they wanted to kidnap his wife.

Dec 10- A farm manager, the elderly Rodger Huntley, who suffers the effects of a past strike and can’t properly use his left arm and leg, is attacked in his house on a farm at Mooriver, KZN. He was relentlessly beaten all over his head and body with a knobkierie by 2 black male attackers who wanted money and firearms, something he did not have. They tortured his bank card PIN out of him in the end and left. He manages the farm for owners Burgen and Chantelle Thorne who were themselves attacked in Sept 2019. That attack left Burgen wheelchair bound.

Dec 14 – An elderly couple, 70 and 80 years old respectively, was attacked in their house on a smallholding at Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein by 2 black men armed with a hammer and machete. The old people were beaten over the head and they sustained serious head injuries. They were only saved when security guards reacting on an alarm that went off arrived. The guards killed the one attacker and arrested one.

Dec 14 – Gagig Ovsepian (56), a businessman, shot dead by 3 black home invaders in Stutterheim.

Dec 15 – Andrew Le Grange (66) and his wheelchair bound wife attacked on a farm at Zeerust. Andrew was stabbed several times by 2 black male attackers and his arm fractured. His wife was thrown out of her wheelchair. Suspects arrested afterwards.

Dec 15 – Emmanuel Coulentianos (70) shot through his chest by the same black men he was busy filming on his cellphone because they were breaking in at his neighbour’s home in Eden Glen, Johannesburg. He survived the incident.

Dec 19 – Anna-Marie Buys dies in the Helen Joseph hospital after a black female patient attempted to murder her on 14 December by sitting on top of her and cutting her neck with a plastic knife.

Dec 19 – A 30 year old woman who was not identified in the media is shot dead when she answers the doorbell at her home at Bush Street, Wells Estate, Port Elizabeth. Her 14 year old daughter was slightly wounded. Her security guard husband was at work.

Dec 20- 30 year old Dominique du Plooy’s body is found next to the road in Pietermaritzburg. She was on the way to work. It is reported that it is suspected that she was poisoned by her hijackers.

Dec 21 – Kendal Road Community report on their FB page that 2 young security officers, Chris and Pierre, were murdered in Philippi.

Dec 23 – The elderly Gert and Joey Pienaar were brutally beaten by 6 black male attackers with a rifle butt, the rifle butt broke whilst they were being besten, on their farm in Dewetsdorp. Joey was also stabbed in the arm and she had to walk for 1 km in the night to get help.

Dec 24 – Hendry Brown (77) dies after being in a coma since Nov 3 when he, his wife Martie (74) and son Tommy (54) were attacked by 4 black males wielding a machete and axe on their farm at Mabalel, Nelspruit. Hendry was beaten over the head. Martie also sustained head injuries and Tommy was shot in the leg and hit in his face. Martie and Tommy survived.

Dec 24 – Wilma Ferreira (79) attacked and tied up, left for 15 hours on a chair before she is discovered in Centurion. The 2 black attackers also killed her small Yorkie dog and put it in a suitcase.

25 December – A 71 year old Harding KZN farmer attacked by a black male attacker in his farmhouse. The attacker slashes the farmer with a machete on his head, chest and left arm. The farmer had to flee in his bakkie with one tyre flat as the attacker slashed one tyre with the machete.

Dec 27- Security officer Rodrick Erasmus killed by black male armed robbers whilst responding to an incident in Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth.