South Africa: Black ‘Businessman’ Rips the Heart Out of Fellow Black Savage and Eats it to Show He’s Not Gay

Daily Mail
July 11, 2014

the heart
An African ‘businessman’ ripped the still beating heart out of another Black, before eating it, to prove that he wasn’t gay.

A businessman in Africa has admitted to a savage act of cannibalism – ripping a man’s heart out and eating it ‘to show he was not gay’, while the victim was still alive.

Andrew Chimboza, 35, told Cape Town police in a statement that he killed Mbuyiselo Manona, 62, in self-defence at the home of a client in the township of Gugulethu after being insulted.

Prosecutor Quawnita Geyer read out the statement during a bail hearing at the Athlone Magistrate’s Court in Cape Town on Wednesday.

He said: ‘In your warning statement you say… “I sit upon him and stabbed him on the chest, tore out his heart and took a knife and then sliced his heart and then I ate his heart.”

Police said Chimboza was still chewing the flesh at the grisly crime scene.

“’The reason for me to eat the unknown guy’s heart was to show him that I am not a moffie [gay] and after I finished eating the heart, I realised he was dead.”’

Investigating officer Constable Mphumelelo Yengwa attended the autopsy and reported its horrifying conclusion.

According to The Citizen he said: ‘It was conducted by Dr Allie. Dr Allie told me that the heart is not present in the deceased’s body and therefore, when the heart was taken out, he could see that the deceased was still alive.’

Yengwa told the hearing that the officer who arrested Chimboza at the scene found him chewing raw flesh and that Manona’s neck had been ‘half-eaten’. He added that his chest had a gaping hole in the left side.

Chimboza, (Chimp to his friends) who runs a window-tinting business, now claims as his defence, that while he did stab Manona to death, he can’t actually remember taking out the heart and eating it.

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