South Africa: Elderly White Farmer in Critical Condition After Getting Shot by Feral Coons

A rare instance of a farm attack being caught on video.

This kind of hell awaits all white people who allow the dark races to gain a foothold in their homelands.

South Africa Today:

A farm attack took place at 21:20 on Monday night 8 April 2019, on a farm in Marble Hall, Limpopo. Reports from the scene indicate that a 70 year old male farmer was attacked by three armed attackers and sustained four gunshot wounds to his chest, arm, and leg.

The Netcare 1 Specialised Helicopter Air Ambulance was called by Swiftmed EMS to attend to the shooting. The patient was assessed on scene by an Advanced life support paramedic and found to be in a critical condition and the farmer was airlifted to hospital.

Circumstances leading up to the shooting will be investigated by the SAPS who were on scene, with local farm security.