South Africa: Four Blacks Invade White Farmer’s Home, Attack Him with Machete

Kerneels du Plessis

To add insult to injury, they attacked him with his own machete (or “panga,” as they’re known in these ooga-booga countries).

South Africa Today:

A farm attack took place on 4 March 2020, at 04:30, in Kareepoort, Brits, North West Province of South Africa. One of at least four attackers overpowered an elderly man, Kerneels du Plessis (73), when he went outside to check on the gas supply around 05:00 on Wednesday morning. The other attackers then appeared and assaulted the man with a panga that they found in his vehicle. His wife heard the commotion, ran into the house and locked herself in the bedroom.

The victim’s son also came to his father’s aid, after which the attackers fled the scene on foot. It seems only gas bottles were taken. The victim was taken to Mediclinic, and him and his family have been left severely traumatized by the attack.