South Africa: Genocidal Tribal Attacks on White People Just in the Last Month

Daily Stormer
April 1, 2015


It won’t be long before we’re all living in South Africa.

Just wait.


This video contains just some of the Black-on-White Hate crime attacks and murders that have taken place in the rainbow nation between March 1st and 30th 2015.

Please forward this VIDEO to as many people as you possibly can!

Make sure that you bring our plight under the attention of your political organizations, politicians and Governments!

To us it is a matter of life and death. My People are dying EVERY DAY, due to senseless black on white murders, and a racist Government with more than 119 RACE BASED LAWS to bar whites from the South African job market.

You can help to put an end to this!

Stop Black on White Genocide In South Africa

Thank you, Natasha