South Africa: Respected White Rock Climber Killed by Blacks During Adventure Farm Robbery

David Wade.

Climbing is dangerous – but nowhere near as dangerous as niggers.

Times Live:

Respected rock climber David Wade was shot dead when he tried to help security guards during a robbery at an adventure farm in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga, at the weekend.

Mpumalanga police spokesperson Brig Leonard Hlathi said the attack happened at Tranquilitas Adventure Farm on Saturday evening. Hlathi said Wade was visiting the camp when he heard security guards screaming for help. The guards were being held up by armed robbers.

“According to his wife, he went to investigate and that is when he was shot. Although police arrived immediately after the incident with their dogs, they could not trace the suspects as it was raining,” said Hlathi.

The attackers are still at large.