South Africa: Three Farm Attacks in One Day

Kaffirs tend to have an aversion to work – unless, of course, “work” involves attacking and robbing white farmers.

Then they can be surprisingly ambitious.

South Africa Today:

A farm attack took place on 24 July 2019, in Swartruggens, North West province. An elderly victim (74) was attacked and assaulted and brutalised by three suspects, before being tied up. The attackers ransacked the home and stole a safe with firearms and various other household items.

The man suffered minor injuries, there have been no arrests made.

Same source:

A farm attack took place on 24 July 2019, in Kameeldrift, Gauteng province. Two attackers attacked a smallholding. One suspect arrested and one was killed. Circumstances at this stage are unknown. No further information available.

Police are investigating the circumstances around the attack.

Same source:

A farm attack took place on 24 July 2019, in Kameeldrift, Gauteng province. The same suspects first broke into a lodge on Tuesday evening 23 July 2019, before returning at 03:32 and were picked up again on cameras again 06:41. They were scared away by the responding community. The getaway vehicle for the break-in was stopped by security.

There is no other information available at this stage.

At least one of the attackers was killed during the second attack – you don’t hear that too often in SA.