South Africa: Two Farm Attacks Happen in Bokfontein Within 24 Hours

Small pockets of whiteness like Bokfontein are easy pickings for marauding gangs of kaffirs.

They can attack and rob these (mostly elderly) farmers to their hearts’ content, and the SA government and police couldn’t care less.

South Africa Today:

A farm attack took place on 6 July 2019, at 15:30, in Bokfontein, North West Province. An elderly couple were violently assaulted and their firearms were robbed. The attackers entered the farm with a car and left with the same vehicle after the brutal attack. The woman (75) was taken to hospital for medical attention. Her Husband (77) was not as seriously injured.

The attackers locked the gate upon exiting the farm. Police and ambulance services were on the scene. There is no other information available at this stage nor any details of the exact injuries that were sustained during the assault.

Same source:

A second farm attack has taken place within 24 hours in Bokfontein, North West province. During this second attack a victim (72) was viciously beaten over the head and stabbed in head, neck and back. One of the attackers also bit the victim!

Ambulance and SAPS were on the scene. The attack was tweeted by Ian Cameron on 7 July 2019. The first attack took place on 6 July 2019, at 15:30, where an elderly couple wife (75) and husband (77) were attacked and assaulted resulting in the elderly wife being admitted to hospital.