South Africa: Young White Couple Run Out of Fuel on Road, Get Executed by Three Anti-White Negroes

Jessica Kuhn and Johanco Fleischman.

To their credit, the media highlighted the racial component of this crime.

Ultimately, though, what black-on-white murders are not racially motivated?

Daily Mail:

A white couple were gunned down by three robbers in a ‘racist attack’ at the side of the road after their car ran out of fuel in South Africa.

Johanco Fleischman, 19, and girlfriend Jessica Kuhn, 23, were executed in cold blood as they waited on a motorway bridge for a family friend to bring them a can of diesel to get them going.

Two employees sitting in the back of the car with the couple were brutally beaten by the killers but spared death and have described the horrific double murder to shocked police in detail.

It is understood the attackers walked past the car and murmured a racial insult at Fleischman before opening fire.

The two witnesses told cops the Toyota Hilux had run out of diesel on the N12 West near Benoni some 20 miles east of Johannesburg and butcher Johanco had called a friend for help.

As they waited for rescue they said three men walked past the car and then walked back hissing the word ‘umhulungu’ at Johanco – a derogatory phrase for a white man.

One of the men then pulled a revolver without warning and fired at least nine bullets, hitting Johanco several times in the body.

As he slumped into the road the gunman leaned into the cab and killed Jessica with a single shot to the head, before they stealing her mobile phone.

Then in an attempt to cover their tracks they set fire to the inside of the Toyota with a lighter.

Jessica was slumped dead in the passenger seat, Johanco on the road, and the two badly beaten workers had fled for their lives.

A passing motorist saw the truck on fire and used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames and then saw the bodies.

He called the emergency services who were quickly at the scene.

The attack happened in broad daylight at 11am and police and medical services were quickly there but the couple were declared dead at the scene.

Gauteng Police Commissioner Elias Mawela has set up a specialist task team to track the three cold blooded killers.

The head of the Gauteng Province Community Police Board Dr MR Patel said: ‘The couple has just driven onto the top of the off ramp at the N12 when their vehicle ran out of fuel.

‘The young man called a family friend who is a butcher to ask for a favour to bring them a can of diesel and he sent someone out but when he got there he found them both dead.

‘There were people already on the scene and the two workers who were in the back when the attack happened had returned but both been badly beaten and were severely traumatised.

‘They said the attackers had used the word “Uhmlungu” which is a phrase of sorts for “white man” to the driver before he started shooting but I don’t think that necessarily makes this attack racist.

‘I think these were opportunists who saw a car broken down and saw the opportunity to rob them and it seems the driver put up a fight and after that it just all went totally pear shaped.

Yes, this little Paki – who is in charge of a police board in South Africa for some reason – had the nerve to claim that this wasn’t a racist attack, and even attempted to blame the white driver for it.

Clearly, he figured out a long time ago that being anti-white is the fast track to success in the Rainbow Nation.

What he might not have figured out, though, is that a similar fate awaits his kind after the savage kaffirs are done with the “uhmlungu.”