South African Education Statistics Prove TEDS Study Correct: Intelligence is Genetic

Mike Smith’s Political Commentary
July 23, 2014


Just the other day I was referring to Nicholas Wade’s new book, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human history and how the latest evidence from the human genome project proves racial egalitarians and cultural relativist spectacularly wrong. Race is indeed biological and NOT a “social construct”.

There are other research and books that prove that intelligence is hereditary such as “IQ and the wealth of nations” or “IQ and global inequality” by Drs. Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen.

So it was with interest that I noticed a month ago the recent results of a World Economic Forum (WEF) report.

Out of 148 countries, South Africa has the worst mathematics and science education in the world

South Africa is behind the likes of Haiti, Lesotho, Chad, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Kenya.

SA came 146th in education in general.

Yes, the ANC with their Outcomes Based Education and Curriculum 2005 bullshit managed to destroy our once excellent education system in South Africa in such a short time. An education system that once produced top quality doctors, engineers, architects, etc.

Of course this was immediately denied by the ANC and the Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor said that science and math education is “progressively improving”.

This is the Science and Technology Minister of South Africa, Naledi Pandor. She blamed the results on other people’s ‘perceptions’.

Pandor: SA not at Maths bottom

However, a few days ago it emerged that in a national mathematics benchmarking survey amongst grade 9 pupils at almost 3000 schools countrywide, a shocking 96% of students achieved 50% or less.

The City Press reported that in 2411 schools, all Grade Nines scored between zero and 30 percent for mathematics. A total of 2805 schools countrywide were tested.

Dismal results in national maths assessment

Now bearing that in mind, take note of the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) and their latest findings that skills in maths and reading are genetic. 13,000 pairs of twins are involved in the study.

Sure, children must still study. Genes alone are not going to make them pass, but overall these studies prove that there is a definite correlation between genes and intelligence.

This contradicts the simplistic theories and beliefs of racial egalitarians and cultural relativists that a child is born a “blank slate” and is ultimately purely the result of his environment.

All the facts and research shows that both race and intelligence are genetic, but like I said before. Liberals will deny it. They will ignore all the evidence that contradict their crackpot theories and beliefs and when you insist they look at the evidence, they will call you a “racist”.

Ironically they will add that YOU are the one who is “ignorant”, “stupid”, “narrow-minded”, “prejudiced”, “bigoted”, “biased”, “intolerant”, …in fact, everything THEY are.
