South Carolina Supreme Court Decides Not Killing Babies After 6 Weeks is Unconstitutional

Women’s rights are non-negotiable.

We have to kill these babies so women can enjoy the freedom of having sex with many men, especially the blacks.


The South Carolina Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a ban on abortion after six weeks, ruling the restriction enacted by the Deep South state violates a state constitutional right to privacy.

The decision marked a significant victory for abortion rights’ advocates suddenly forced to find safeguards at the state level after the U.S. Supreme Court overtured Roe v. Wade in June.

With federal abortion protections gone, Planned Parenthood South Atlantic sued in July under the South Carolina constitution’s right to privacy. Restrictions in other states are also facing challenges, some as a matter of religious freedom.

But since the high court’s momentous decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, no state court until Thursday in South Carolina had ruled definitively whether a constitutional right to privacy — a right not explicitly enumerated in the U.S. Constitution — extends to abortion.

“Planned Parenthood will keep working day by day and state by state to safeguard that right for all people,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, in a statement after the ruling.

The 3-2 decision comes nearly two years after Republican Gov. Henry McMaster signed the restriction into law, banning abortions after cardiac activity is detected. The ban, which included exceptions for pregnancies by rape or incest or pregnancies that endanger the patient’s life, drew lawsuits almost immediately.

Justice Kaye Hearn, writing for the majority, said the state “unquestionably” has the authority to limit the right of privacy that protects from state interference with the decision to get an abortion. But she added any limitation must afford sufficient time to determine one is pregnant and take “reasonable steps” if she chooses to terminate that pregnancy.

“Six weeks is, quite simply, not a reasonable period of time for these two things to occur,” Hearn added.

Currently, South Carolina bars most abortions at about 20 weeks beyond fertilization, or the gestational age of 22 weeks.

On Twitter, White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre applauded the clampdown “on the state’s extreme and dangerous abortion ban.”

“Women should be able to make their own decisions about their bodies,” Jean-Pierre added.

Varying orders have given both the law’s supporters and opponents cause for celebration and dismay. Those seeking abortions in the state have seen the legal window expand to the previous limit of 20 weeks before returning to the latest restrictions and back again.

Federal courts had previously suspended the law. But the U.S. Supreme Court’s June decision allowed the restrictions to take hold — briefly. Then the state Supreme Court temporarily blocked it this past August as the justices considered a new challenge.

In South Carolina, lawyers representing the state Legislature have argued the right to privacy should be interpreted narrowly. During oral arguments this past October, they argued historical context suggests lawmakers intended to protect against searches and seizures when they ratified the right in 1971. Planned Parenthood attorneys representing the challengers have said the right to privacy encompasses abortion. They argued previous state Supreme Court decisions already extended the right to bodily autonomy.

Republicans, led by the governor, vowed Thursday to press forward with new attempts at restrictions. McMaster, who is soon to be inaugurated to his final full term, indicated a new abortion measure will be a priority when the legislature reconvenes next week.

Women have an absolute sexual right, and infants simply cannot get in the way of that.

This is who we are in a democracy: piles of dead babies stretching up the hills.

America is the light unto the world, teaching the goyim to love.