South Korea and America Try to Do Show of Strength, But Missile Malfunctions and Crashes

Previously: Kim Fires Missiles After Kamala Harris Leaves South Korea

This whole World War III thing is a bumbling debacle, reaching slapstick comedy levels.

People are making fun of Russia’s losses in the Ukraine. Maybe there is something to make fun of there; maybe they should have been prepared for a total onslaught from the entirety of NATO. Things are clearly going to change on that front after the mobilization gets rolling.

Meanwhile, the US and her allies can’t even fire missiles correctly.

The Guardian:

South Korea’s military has apologised after a missile it launched during a drill on Tuesday malfunctioned and crashed to the ground, causing alarm among nearby residents who thought they were under attack from North Korea, which had test launched a missile earlier in the day.

The live-fire drill, involving South Korea and the US, was supposed to be a show of strength by the allies, hours after the North sent an intermediate-range missile over northern Japan.

Instead, it ended in embarrassment when a short-range Hyumoo-2 ballistic missile crashed to the ground inside an air force base near the South Korean coastal city of Gangneung.

Although the missile did not explode, the noise and subsequent fire caused some Gangneung residents to believe the North had launched an attack, according to media reports. There were no reports of injuries.

The South Korean military acknowledged the accident hours after internet users posted videos showing an orange ball of flames emerging from an area they described as near a Gangneung air force base.

The military said it was investigating what had caused the “abnormal flight” of the South Korean missile – a key part of its preemptive and retaliatory strike strategies against the North.

The accident occurred as the South Korean and US militaries fired a volley of missiles into the East Sea – also known as the Sea of Japan – in response to North Korea firing a ballistic missile over Japan for the first time in five years.

When it comes to North and South Korea, the North is definitely the country that is more serious about war.