South Korea Breaks Its Own Record for World’s Lowest Birth Rate

If only we give the sluts even more power – maybe we can get this down to zero children?

That will really change the weather.

We’re not going to turn the earth into a solid block of ice by having women breeding, now are we?


South Korea’s fertility rate, already the world’s lowest, has dropped yet again in the latest setback to the country’s efforts to boost its declining population.

The national statistics body reported Wednesday that the fertility rate, or the average number of children expected per woman, fell to 0.78 in 2022 – down from 0.81 the previous year.

Countries need a fertility rate of 2.1 to maintain a stable population, in the absence of immigration.

South Korea’s birth rate has been falling since 2015 and the country recorded more deaths than births for the first time in 2020, a trend that has continued since.

In 2022, the country recorded about 249,000 births and 372,800 deaths.

Similar demographic declines are being seen in several other Asian countries including Japan and China, raising concerns there will be too few people of working age to support the ballooning elderly population.

Meanwhile, Korean women are also having children later in life. The average age of childbirth in South Korea was 33.5 last year.


Here’s the thing: these people who are pushing for all of this “global warming” gobbledygook know very well that women’s empowerment leads to many fewer children. That’s why they push for feminism across the globe.

Well, actually – they push for feminism for the same reason they promote dumb bullshit about the weather in the first place, and that is because they’re Jewish and they are born liars (cursed for killing Christ also).

But the justification for feminism that they make in their meetings, the same as the justification for x-treme anal and child trannies, is that it stops breeding and that will somehow change the weather.

It is all just total lunacy.

The people making these decisions are unhinged.

Korean men should rise up against the American imperialists.

But they won’t.