Stormer Ebonics Translations: Kodak Black – Senseless

“Ebonics Translations” was supposed to be a Saturday feature, but Saturday was Christmas, and I just now thought of it.

I explained in my first ebonics rap translation the purpose of this, beyond it just being funny. Basically, I think most “racists” don’t really understand just how utterly ridiculous black culture is internally, and since rap music is basically what epitomizes black culture, I think translations of popular rap songs can be enlightening.

Today, I will be introducing you to the extremely popular Zoomer rapper Kodak Black. I’m going to translate “Senseless” because it is easier than a lot of his songs. It is relatively popular.

But many of his songs have tens of millions of views on YouTube. His channel has about five billion views.

Here’s the original video.

This is the full translation:

It does not make any logical sense
How I’m making music and committing crimes, my friend
It does not make any logical sense
How I am acquiring large amounts of money, my friend
It does not make any logical sense
I go into very dangerous neighborhoods, my friend
None of this makes any sense

I feel the same as I did in 2015
I was in a Corvette with a group of murderers and we were mixing MDMA with codeine cough syrup
It makes no sense that I killed people
I was just an underage youth in designer clothing, I was committing robbery to buy expensive jeans
In 2012, I was 14-years-old
I was selling crack cocaine to addicts, I was pimping out prostitutes
I am honest in my business dealings, my friend, I behave like an insane person, my friend
I am so intoxicated, I have no idea what is going on, I am smoking marijuana cigarettes, my friend
My only desire is to locate a prostitute and have sex with her without a condom
My only desire is to acquire a large amount of money quickly, and then go to the shopping mall

I live a luxurious lifestyle, I’m currently wearing Mike Amiri and Louis Vuitton
I’m giving out samples of crack cocaine rocks, and if you enjoy it, I will sell you two rock for the price of one
I live a luxurious lifestyle, I’m currently wearing Givenchy and Dolce Gabbana
I fill my Toyota with marijuana smoke, I smoke very high quality marijuana, while going through the McDonald’s drive-thru
I heard that you are wealthy, you should keep that quiet, because all of my friends are muggers
I heard you might make trouble, you should relax, because all of my friends are murderers

It is not logical why I am distributing firearms in low income housing projects
I’m also stacking up kilos of cocaine and I’m making a lot of people wealthy
People say they are not interested in my criminal enterprises, but everyone gets involved
I engage in robbery and murder, buddy, but sometimes I make music
I go outside with a firearm alone, and do not need protection from members of my gang
I only care about myself, and don’t think about anyone else
Members of my gang don’t consider the consequences of their actions, sometimes they act religious
Members of my gang don’t consider the consequences of their actions, sometimes they act like they are possessed by demons

I live a luxurious lifestyle, I’m currently wearing Balenci and Chanel
It is not logical, I just made another $3.7 million
Members of my gang don’t make logical sense when they speak, but they are very violent
I love my good friend a lot, and I’ll start crying if I don’t see him
Everyone knows I commit robberies, I’m not joking with you
I will start firing guns at you at the park, buddy, I’m a very serious person

Editor’s Note: This DOES represent the kind of thinking that is going through the brains of the average young black man, in the same way that sappy songs about girls represent what is going through the brains of the average young white man. I think it is important that you understand this. We live in the same cities as these people. We are surrounded by them, in fact. And this is what is going through their minds. Ebonics translations will return to Saturday, Lord willing.