Study: Giving Birth Sharpens Women’s Minds and Having More Children, Up to Five, Improves the Effect

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2019

When women do the things they are meant to do, they are rewarded.

Daily Mail:

It may surprise new mothers fighting the effects of ‘baby brain’ and sleepless nights.

But having children may make women mentally sharper in later life, a study suggests.

They have ‘younger’ brains than women who have never had children, based on the MRI scans of more than 12,000 patients.

Even in middle age, their brains are up to six months younger, and having more children, up to five, appears to be better for grey matter. Experts believe that mothers may benefit from oestrogen, the hormone which is produced in pregnancy, or have a boost to their immune system from carrying a child.

‘When you look at factors which affect how we age, having children appears to make a difference,’ said Dr Ann-Marie de Lange, first author of the study from the University of Oslo.

Women who have children may benefit from positive effects later in life, which may arise because hormones or immune factors related to pregnancy and childbirth have a protective effect against brain ageing.’

Women were born as women, with the reproductive organs needed to create more people.

If they weren’t supposed to become mothers, why would their biology revolve around motherhood?

Nowadays women are told they can be like men, that they can be free, independent, and strong. They are told that what differentiates them from men, what makes them unique and a gift to the world, is something that enslaves them or brings them down. They are told that motherhood, the one thing that is central to their being, is something antiquated and a mechanism for men to control them.

The results…


Wouldn’t we all be better off if people stopped shunning women from being women and men from being men?

Wouldn’t we all be happier if women acted feminine and men acted masculine?