Study: Moslem Skanks Learning Feminism, But are Still Kept in Check by Sandmen Husbands

Daily Stormer
May 3, 2017

That actually was not a question I was interested in finding an answer to.

Some people assume that women are only agitating for “equal rights” and feminism because of the Jews. Of course, the Jews have definitely had a major hand in promoting this stuff.

But the eternal thot is always lurking, waiting for her chance to push for hardcore sexual communism and the abolition of the family.

Case in point:

This has been known for thousands of years.

So it’s no surprise that even in allah-akbar land, the women are nagging their men about implementing their feminist agenda. The difference, though, is that their men are having none of it.

The Guardian:

Men’s views of equality between the sexes are woefully out of sync with the hopes of young women, according to a survey across the Middle East and north Africa.

Male attitudes towards the role of women in the workplace and at home, and of their participation in public life, were stereotypically sexist in the study of views in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine.

Nearly 10,000 people, aged between 18 and 59, were questioned with a majority of the men supporting a range of traditional and inequitable attitudes toward women, including a belief that they are not fit to be leaders, should not work outside the home, and that it is more important to educate boys than girls.

The younger women surveyed showed a consistent desire for greater gender equality, according to the research undertaken by the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (Images), an advocacy project that has been carrying out extensive household surveys of attitudes to gender issues around the world.

In reply to almost all questions, men had less progressive attitudes towards equality than women. In Egypt, more than 90% of men agreed with the statement that “a man should have the final word about decision in the home”. Although a majority – 58.5% – of women also agreed.

More than half of the Egyptian men surveyed agreed that “there are times when a woman deserves to be beaten”, compared with less than a third of women. And while 75% of Egyptian women thought married women should have the same rights to work outside the home as their husbands, only 31% of Egyptian men agreed.

Wow, can you believe these Skanks who believe they shouldn’t be beaten? smdh.

This is America, mkay?

OK, so women are always going to whine about this. But in order to maintain civilization, White men have developed a tool to immunize themselves against female nagging – a sort of “civilizational immune system,” so to speak. It’s called WHITE SHARIA.

These sand-people would still be living on camel milk if they hadn’t culturally appropriated sharia law for themselves.

Can you imagine where we’d be if we still exercised thot-control?

We’d be civilizing savages across the galaxy by now.