Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2014
The silly monkey parents of the violent gangster rapper and cigar thief Michael Brown, who is famous for getting put down like a rabid dog after attacking Heroic White police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, spoke to the United Nations in Geneva on Tuesday, apparently demanding that international forces be sent to Ferguson to help rioting Blacks fight the police.
We are living inside of a cartoon based on the acid trip of a schizophrenic, brothers. This simply could not get any more surreal.
The primitive couple, Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., said they want the world to know “what’s going on in Ferguson.”

It is unclear why McSpadden was allowed to leave the country, given that she is under investigation for armed robbery, after allegedly participating in an assault on her mother-in-law – Brown Sr.’s mother – wherein one man went to the hospital after being beat with a metal pipe by a member of McSpadden’s gang.
The couple spoke to the UN Committee Against Torture, which also deals with violations of human rights by government authorities.
“We need the world to know what’s going on in Ferguson and we need justice,” McSpadden told CNN from Geneva.
“We need answers and we need action. And we have to bring it to the U.N. so they can expose it to the rest of the world, what’s going on in small town Ferguson.”

Their testimony was given privately to UN officials. The delegation that organized the trip, made up of members of HandsUpUnited, the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, wrote the statement for them. It is unclear whether or not either Brown or McSpadden know how to read or write.
Download the entire document (pdf file) here.
The document presented claims that Brown’s execution by Darren Wilson, who has been compared to Judge Dredd in that he is the ultimate figure of truth and justice in a world of Negro crime, as well as the quelling of riots by authorities following the execution, “represent violations of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.”
Commenters have noted that this is “completely retarded” with one educated gentleman known for his brilliance saying “lol wtf is this crap? Are these nig-nogs retarded?”
The document demands that the UN facilitate the immediate arrest of Officer Wilson, and somehow put an end to “racial profiling and racially-biased police harassment across the jurisdictions surrounding Ferguson.”
They called for the UN to figure out a way to liberate Blacks from police oppression around the entire US, as well.
End of the Line, Blackie
Along with being the stupidest thing ever in recorded history, the visit of Brown’s parents to the UN represents an end of the line for Black whining in America.
What they have done here is pushed things so far, that it will simply be impossible for any normal person to ever take them seriously as a group ever again. The legitimacy of the UN is also going to be brought into serious doubt, as they are apparently taking these people seriously.

Michael Brown was a gangster rapper, who talked in songs about killing White people. He is on camera robbing a man, using force, minutes before the confrontation with Wilson. The autopsy shows that he was reaching for Wilson’s gun when he was shot. His mother is under investigation for robbing Michael’s paternal grandmother, stealing cash and t-shirts with Brown’s face on them.
The “protesters” in Ferguson are violent rioters, attacking police, burning and looting everything. They have also repeatedly attacked any White people who go there to support them (here, here, etc.).
And yet still, these apes want to play the victim, and the UN is apparently endorsing them as victims, or at least entertaining the idea.

White America, I guarantee it, is now officially sick of Black people, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.
We are fatigued. We all know that these people are a physical threat to us, throughout our daily lives. We know that at any minute, we could be robbed or (if we’re women) raped by these people, and we know that we have to plan our lives around the dangers that Blacks present to our society.
We also know that we are paying for these people’s entire lives with our tax money, because virtually none of them work.

And we now know that no matter what they themselves do, they will blame us for it, forever.
The visit of Michael Brown’s parents to the UN marks the beginning of the end for the Black parasite in America. They have brought this on themselves. When it is released that Wilson will not be indicted, they are going to riot, perhaps worse than they ever have in the history of the country, and then, finally, White America is going to say:
“You know what? I’m Just about fed up with these nasty monkeys.”