Stupid Boomer Bitch Punches Bear, Gets Bit

Women are all effectively mental retards. When you’re talking about a boomer woman, you’re dealing with a super retard of a dangerous and uncanny variety.

Of course the dumb bitch punched a bear.

NBC News:

A 64-year-old Maine woman punched a bear that was chasing her dog, prompting the bear to bite back, state wildlife authorities said Friday.

The woman was treated for puncture wounds to her wrist following the 11:30 a.m. confrontation on Friday, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife said in a statement.

The dog was unharmed.

The resident of Porter, Maine, confronted the black bear “head on” after it chased her dog out of nearby woods, the wildlife department said.

“And when the bear stood up, she stood up as tall as she could, then punched the bear in the nose, whereupon the bear bit her in the right hand, puncturing her wrist,” it said.

The bear released the woman and fled, the department said.

The bear is kinder than I would have been if this bitch had punched me, I can tell you that. I would have gone ahead and ripped her arm off.

Imagine being so retarded that you think you can fight a bear.

If you can imagine that, you now understand what it is like to be a woman. Actually, in order to really understand what it means to be a woman, you would need to be that retarded, have no sense of morality or the ability to feel guilt, and also have an emotional unhingement and an innate desire to destroy everything around you for fun.

This is straight-up retard city with these bitches.

Never fight a bear.

Unless you are given no choice, like in that movie “The Revenant” with Leonardo DiCaprio.

(It’s a good film, overall, but it was very cinematic – as in, it’s really designed to be watched in theaters or at least on a gigantic TV.)