Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2014

The subhuman filth in Calais is demanding that Whitey bring them better free food as they wait in their tent city for a chance to break into the UK to rape women and get even better free things than France offers them from the idiot British goyim who believe the only purpose of their existence – both as a nation and as individual human beings – is to serve parasitical monkey people.

The mainly African bunch of stinking apes huddled at the port are complaining that the free food handed to them by charities is not spicy enough. Many of them refused to eat the meal. This is reminiscent of pouting, spoiled children – and that is exactly what a Negro in Europe is. They are pampered like children, and they fit very well into the role.

According to Jean-Claude Lenoir, chief of the aid agency “Salam” that was providing them with the meals, the gang-style leaders of the camp staged a protest in which they prevented the other apes from feeding. He admitted that the meal was not as spicy as the meals the rabid apes are usually fed.
He said spices are ‘very expensive’, and went on to criticise the refugees.
‘I find that they’re a bit too pampered by now,’ he said.
‘As soon as 15 or 20 refused the meal, I stepped in to tell them if they didn’t want the food we could put it away and that it was scandalous,’ he said.
Referring to the tough economic circumstances in his home country, Mr Lenoir said: ‘Many in France don’t even have an evening meal.’
While aid workers were happy to help the migrants, ‘there are limits with regards to what we can propose’.
There was no violence during the protest against the food being served, and some of the migrants apologised afterwards.
There are currently 2,000 migrants sleeping rough in the Calais area as they try to get aboard ferries to Britain. There, many will claim asylum, so gaining access to free housing and social security benefits.
Over the summer, Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart threatened to close the docks following an attempt by scores of mainly Eritreans and Sudanese to storm a ferry.
Ms Bouchart said she wanted ‘far more help from the British government’ to deal with people attempting to cross the Channel illegally.
The number of migrants in Calais has increased sharply in the past few months, and hundreds more are also camping out near other Channel ports, including Dunkirk and Cherbourg. All play a nightly game of cat-and-mouse with the police as they attempt to break into lorries that are heading for the UK.
The migrants are mainly from Somalia, Sudan and Eritrea, and have crossed to Italy before travelling through mainland Europe.
This is an invading army, intent on doing what every single invading army in history was intent on doing: stealing our resources and our women. The natural response to an invasion is deadly force. The British government should be drone-bombing these filthy stinking monkeys, straight-up. By the very nature of the act of invasion, they have marked themselves as deserving of death – or, of course, conquest, if they are strong enough. This is the law of nature.
But they aren’t strong enough, physically. We could easily use drone strikes to kill every last blood-sucking monkey at Calais in a matter of minutes. But we are too weak, psychologically and emotionally, having been too faggotted out by Jewy feminism and other forms of emasculating pussification to recognize the fact that you must slaughter your enemies, and thus the British government, while admitting an invasion, is saying we need to help the invaders, rather than slaughter them.
England is doomed, because they are celebrating their own doom.