Supreme Court to End Affirmative Action at Colleges

I’ve said for a long time that Affirmative Action can’t be overturned without overturning the Civil Rights Act.

But this is apparently happening, so I guess it can happen?

Most of us would prefer to see the entire Civil Rights apparatus abolished, rather than just one part that affects only a small part of the population, but maybe this is the beginning of the end.


The end of affirmative action, at least on college campuses, is almost certainly near.

The big picture: The Supreme Court said in 2003 that colleges and universities could consider race as a factor when deciding which students to admit, for the sake of building a diverse student body. But now, the much more conservative court appears to be changing its mind.

Driving the news: The court is set to hear oral arguments this week over the admissions processes at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, both of which give a little extra weight to applicants who come from certain underrepresented groups.

Life is full of surprises, but the court has sent just about every conceivable signal that it’s likely to put a stop to those sorts of policies.

Why it matters: Harvard and UNC — supported by a host of other schools, as well as business organizations — argue that diversity is essential to the educational experience, and that the only effective way to ensure diversity is to make it an explicit part of the admissions process.

If “race doesn’t exist,” which is what they tell us, then “diversity is essential to the educational experience” literally means that smart people are “enriched” by being around dumber people.

That has never been my experience. I’ve found that I get dumber when I am around dumber people.

But they’ll be making that argument to a court that is extremely skeptical of any sort of racial preference.

“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in a 2007 opinion about the use of race when assigning kids to public schools.

From voting rights to K-12 education to employment law and probably now college admissions, the court over the past several years has consistently knocked down programs that tried to correct racial inequities by explicitly taking race into account.

I hate that language so much.

If blacks want to be equal, they need to do better. Intelligent blacks agree with this assessment.

We’ve had decades of affirmative action, and the blacks are still poor. They’re still on drugs and killing each other. This program is not helping anyone.

Probably, the short term solution is to bring back black colleges, where only blacks are allowed so there is no need for them to compete with whites.

If the colleges don’t want it this way, then they can just do a lotto system for entry. If all people are the same, and there is no such thing as intelligence, then there is no reason not to just let students in randomly. But then the schools wouldn’t have this massive overrepresentation of Jews.