Sweden: Congolese Gent to be Released After 20 Months for Raping 7-Year-Old Girl

I know the sentence seems soft, but you need to understand that there are only a limited number of prison cells in Sweden.

And there are a lot of yet-to-be-arrested Swedish criminals out there writing mean things about refugees on Facebook and Twitter.

Times of Sweden:

A man has been convicted of raping an underage child in Sweden after being offered a place to sleep.

It was on the 5th of June 2019 that the 47 year old man, who is a citizen of the Democratic Republic of Congo, went to a student party reports Samnytt.

A man that he met for the first time at the party offered him to sleep over as he reportedly was so drunk that he barely remembered where he lived.

However, during the night, the man raped the daughter of the man who had kindly offered him a place to sleep. The girl is only 7 years old.

The girl has told police that the man “pulled down her pants and licked her face”. Further she told that the man touched her both anally and vaginally and also put his fingers in her mouth. The court has found that her story is trustworthy.

Police were called to the scene around 04:30 in the morning. On the scene, the girl’s father was restraining the 47 year old, before handing him over to the police.

The police put paper bags around his hands to secure DNA evidence, which was found to match with the girl.

After the rape, the girl has been feeling unsafe, has had problems with sleeping at night and has been having nightmares.

The prosecutor did not urge for the man to be deported for this crime. Reason is because the man is an asylum seeker and had “strong grounds for asylum” and that it therefore was not likely that the court would agree with deportation.

On the 19th of July 2019, the man was convicted of rape against a minor and was sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison.

The man appealed this sentence, wanting to be freed of the charges, and the prosecutor urged for a harsher sentence.

On the 29th of January 2020, Svea appeals court announced their ruling. They upheld the original ruling which means that the man will be allowed to stay in Sweden and be released from prison after having served 2/3 of his sentence, meaning he will be released after 20 months.