Sweden: Young Woman Raped After Dark, Police Refuse to Give Description of Perp

Must’ve been a Finn.

The Swedish police are always covering for ’em.

Fria Tider (Translation):

The police have blocked a place at Stortorget in Trelleborg on the grounds of a suspected rape that took place outdoors, the police write on their website.

It was at 01 o’clock at night when the police were alerted to a woman being raped outdoors in central Trelleborg.

The police have blocked off a place at Stortorget and a special search dog has searched the place during the morning to secure any traces.

The affected woman was driven by police to the hospital for control.

She must have been alone at the time of the assault.

According to the Evening Post, it was the woman herself who alerted the police. But the police are sorry about the incident and do not even want to say whether it is one or more perpetrators.

“We have information from the woman, but I do not want to go into details to avoid coloring testimony,” police spokesman Kim Hild told the newspaper.