Swiss Army Starts Issuing Military-Grade Panties to Female Soldiers

I find it shocking that CNN hasn’t deleted this video yet

The reason that women are not competitive with men in the military has a lot to do with the comfort of their vaginal areas.

The Guardian:

The Swiss armed forces is taking a big step to recruit more women – by no longer making female recruits wear men’s underwear.

At present, all recruits are issued with “loose-fitting men’s underwear, often in larger sizes”, the BBC reported. In a trial set to begin in April, the Swiss army said women would be issued with two sets of female underwear – one for warmer months and one for colder months.

The Swiss armed forces hope to increase the percentage of female recruits from 1% to 10% within the next decade.

“The clothing is designed for men, but if the army is really to become more feminine, appropriate measures are needed,” said MP Marianne Binder.

Army spokesperson Kaj-Gunnar Sievert told Swiss news site Watson: “The old generation of uniforms was not geared enough to the specific needs of women.”

Other pieces of clothing and accessories, including combat clothing, backpacks and protective vests were also being re-evaluated, said Sievert.

The defence minister, Viola Amherd, reportedly welcomed the move, saying “compatibility” needed to be improved.

The only thing stopping Putin from taking over the world’s Toblerone supply is her

Women and men in the Swiss armed forces have had the same duties since 2004. An unnamed female soldier told Watson the underwear, “makes a difference whether you have to crawl on the floor with 27 kilograms of luggage or sit quietly on an office chair.”

This is going to change everything, and really put us on a track to destroying China once and for all.

The Chinese think that their masculinity is going to help them win a war, and when they meet these women in their extra comfortable panties on the battlefield, they’re gonna be in for a mighty surprise, as they truly discover the power of women.