Switzerland: Teacher Tries to Search 14-Year-Old Syrian for Knife, He Breaks Her Jaw

Other than the whole Allah thing, this haji sounds like an alright fellow.

He was telling the Swiss skanks to dress and behave more modestly, understood the importance of self-defense, and brutally PATROLLED an old matriarch who thought she had a right to feminize teenage boys with whatever womanish nonsense she was teaching them in class.

I just can’t be mad at the lad.

Aargauer Zeitung (Translation):

The case caused shock: last week the Argauer Zeitung published the news, that in Möriken-Wildegg a student from the Chestenberg school broke the jaw of a teacher by punching her with his fist.

He did this when she wanted to find out if the Syrian secondary-school student was carrying a knife — as he had already done in the past.

This time the case was taken up by the Weltwoche journalist Alex Baur. According to his research it is about a 14-year-old “M”.

He allegedly comes from a Syrian family with numerous children, who came to Switzerland exactly five years previously and allegedly lives on welfare. His German is good, and he is described as “quite intelligent, self-confident and quick-witted.”

Still, for a while “M.” had often allegedly been talking about the Quran. He also requested — “in Allah’s name” — that the girls from the area dress and behave more modestly. In this context he allegedly played with a knife on the Hellmatt School recess court. This, according to Weltwoche, resulted in his having to empty his pockets every time before being allowed to enter the classroom.

Obviously, during such a search the attack against the teacher took place. She is said not to have touched the student, but instead only told him to show her the contents of his pockets. At that the teen has attacked her, and, according to eyewitnesses, on whose testimonies the Weltwoche author bases his story, he hit the 62-year-old female teacher five to six times with a fist and the edge of his hand.

Additionally, while she was fleeing he allegedly kicked her. The mother of two adult sons was about to retire. As Weltwoche found out from her environment, she is still in shock.

The Syrian was arrested shortly after the act. The youth has been released after having to spend two days in custody. The juvenile prosecutor is investigating.