Taiwan Gives Faggots the Right to Kidnap Children

Americans are too fat – they have fat in their brains – to understand that the right-wing party in Taiwan is also the party pushing for reunification with China.

Old people in Taiwan, who grew up with a staunch anti-“Communist” worldview, are now supporting the reunification party because the country has gone full-anal, and is now pushing double-anal on little children.


Taiwan’s legislature passed a bill Tuesday that granted same-sex couples the right to jointly adopt a child neither of them are related to, clearing one of the final hurdles in achieving full marriage equality.

Taiwan in 2019 became the first jurisdiction in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage but it stopped short of granting fully equal rights of adoption to same-sex couples.

Previously, only heterosexual couples and single people were allowed to adopt children to whom they are not biologically related – creating a situation where if same-sex couples wanted to adopt a child, only one of them could register as the child’s legal parent, even if they both shared the burden of raising them.

This is from a year ago. A judged forced it through, and now it’s the law.

“I am very excited that we granted joint adoption rights to same-sex couples today,” said Fan Yun, a lawmaker from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party who was among those that initiated the legal change.

“Legally, we have finally returned same-sex couples to their children,” she added. “Parental love is the same, and only through joint adoption can we protect the rights and interests of each other by law.”

The Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights, an advocate for LGBT rights on the island, also called the decision a big step toward achieving full marriage equality.

“Today’s success shows that the consensus in Taiwan is to protect the human rights of LGBTI peoples and promote gender equality,” the alliance said in a statement.

Before the legal change Tuesday, some same-sex couples had spent years challenging the discrimination in Taiwanese courts.

In a landmark ruling last January, a male couple from Kaohsiung city managed to successfully challenge the ban – when the court ruled that allowing joint adoption was in the best interest of their child.

The CPC does not allow this sort of thing, I can tell you that.

Of course, pro-reunification people are aiming for 2045, so the people voting for the right-wing party aren’t voting for mainlanders to come clean up the poop fest. It’s just that the people who support the reunification plan also want to ban anal.

All of these retarded fat boomers talking about “freedom in Taiwan” are literally only talking about the freedom for faggots to dance around in public and kidnap kids.

Ask them what other freedom Taiwan stands to lose.

Ask these fat retards: “what specific freedom will the Taiwanese lose if the KMT signs on to a 2045 reunification roadmap?”

See what they say.