Taiwanese News Station Apologizes for Faking a Chinese Attack

There is no way this could be an accident.

This is about figuring out how people respond to things.


The Chinese Television System (CTS), Taiwan’s government-backed station, has issued an apology after mistakenly running ticker alerts about China striking targets near Taipei with missiles.

The warning appeared during a live news broadcast on Wednesday morning, with alerts reportedly indicating that a “war could break out,” as well as that Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, had declared a state of emergency. According to local media, the viewers were also being informed about China’s missiles having hit warships and critical infrastructure in the vicinity of the capital, Taipei.

However, an anchor clarified during the 10am news bulletin that the alerts had in fact been meant for a drill involving the Fire Department in New Taipei City on Tuesday but had been accidentally displayed on Wednesday morning due to a technical error. She also called on citizens not to be “overly panicked,” and apologized for the mistake.

The false alerts, which had made it on air, did not cause mass panic in Taipei, according to Reuters.

The lack of mass panic is their worst fear.

Those who don’t greet the PRC as liberators will just shrug.

Last week, Taiwan’s military released a survival guide designed as a comic-strip, which features recommendations for civilians in the event of a war. The booklet, among other things, explains, how to find bomb shelters via smartphone apps, to prepare emergency first-aid kits, as well as how to distinguish various types of air-raid sirens.

Additionally, there has recently been talk of extending compulsory military service for Taiwanese male citizens beyond the current four months.

The Americans are very worried that if there was a “Chinese invasion” of Taiwan, the people in Taiwan would not be bothered by it at all, and just go on with their daily routines.

Recently, Americans have been pushing for a Ukraine-style militarization and occupation of Taiwan. If they actually do that, the logical thing for China to do would be to go ahead and invade.

As we’ve seen in the Ukraine, the population of the territory doesn’t really even have a dog in the fight. The whole thing is being forced on them by the Zelensky regime and the armed forces, which are controlled by NATO and the US.

I think this would be impossible in Taiwan. You couldn’t get the population to go along with an actual war.