Tanzanian President Talks About the Fruit a Western Lab Labeled Coronavirus Positive

The president of Tanzania, a Ph.D chemist, states in this video that he received coronavirus tests from abroad and tested various things, including a goat and a papaya fruit, labelled the samples as human, and sent them to a lab, where they came back positive. The video itself is theatrical and funny, and supports the notion that they are misdiagnosing people who come into contact with the hospital system with coronavirus for other reasons.

The story itself is from earlier this month, but this video was recently uploaded.

Global News, May 6:

Tanzania seems to be having a problem with its animals, its coronavirus testing or its leadership amid a bizarre scandal playing out in the African nation.

President John Magufuli has cast doubt on the country’s coronavirus testing process after he allegedly submitted secret samples from invalid subjects, including a goat and a papaya (yes, the fruit), that came back as “positive” for the virus.

Magufuli suspended the head of testing at Tanzania’s national health laboratory in response to the alleged errors on Monday, one day after revealing that he had flooded the lab with a variety of samples from things the virus shouldn’t be able to infect.

Magufuli, who has repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus, claimed on Sunday that he put human names and ages on several samples taken from non-human subjects. He says the lab came back with positive test results for a papaya, a quail and a goat — three things that have never been linked to the virus in the past.

Magufuli claimed that there is a “dirty game” going on at the laboratory, and announced that his security forces would be investigating the test kits. He did not say where the lab got its kits.

“The equipment or people may be compromised and sometimes it can be sabotage,” Magufuli said in a speech to the nation, which was broadcast through the country’s state-run news outlet.

The supposed false positives suggest that Tanzania’s infection numbers might not be accurate, Magufuli said. He also stoked concerns about accepting foreign aid.

“There is something happening,” Magufuli said. “I said before we should not accept that every aid is meant to be good for this nation.”

You can say what you want about Africans, but their more basic nature and basic analysis often leads to understandings that are considered “too obvious” by first world countries. I think this is one of those cases.

If the lab, which he describes as funded by the West (presumably WHO), did label a fruit as coronavirus positive, then that certainly brings up even more questions about the way this virus is being diagnosed.

Though we certainly had enough questions about that to already know that the death toll we’re being shown is a total hoax.