Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2015
The ongoing tear-mongering over the poor, pitiful criminal gang-rapists drowning in the Mediterranean because Whitey is so filled with pure hatred that he refuses to go get them out of the water, bring them to his own base and give them free everything forever is intensifying.
The sick part is not that someone made this, it is that the media is promoting it like it is important and people are not outraged.
On Apr. 22, cartoonist Khalid Albaih posted a single cartoon on social media: a black Jesus Christ, crucified, floating in blue water. Instead of a crown of thorns, he wears the European Union circle of stars.
It’s powerful commentary on the recent tragedy in the Sicilian Strait, where a ship capsized on Sunday, Apr. 19, killing at least 800 migrants on their way to Europe. The cartoon places blame for the injustice of their death: the crown symbolizes the responsibility of European Union, which has reduced investments in Mediterranean naval rescue programs.
Albaih, who is Sudanese, says personal experience has made him particularly sensitive to the migrants’ tragedy. “Most people I know [in Sudan] are trying to get out,” he said, noting that although he has been based in Doha since 1998, many of his compatriots don’t share the same luck.
The sheer and vile distastefulness of this piece of “art” demonstrates quite clearly the level to which the argument in favor of this invasion has sunk to. There is no reason involved, on any level, no discussion of what bringing millions of Africans into Europe means for the further of this continent, simply: do this or you are bad.
You are also bad if you even suggest that reason or logic be injected into the discussion (or rather, lack thereof) of the potential outcomes of this action.
And the reason it cannot be discussed because there is no argument. There is obviously only one outcome to allowing unlimited Africans into Europe, and that is that Europe will become more like Africa, and eventually become nothing more than an extension of Africa as the Whites disappear. Then, of course, the Blacks will have to migrate back to Africa, because with Whitey gone they will not have an ability to heat their homes – this is inevitable, we see in Detroit that without the assistance of the Federal Government, Blacks would be incapable of keeping their utilities running.
There are not any other possible outcomes of this final solution to the problem of White people, and so it is necessary to keep absolutely everything in the realm of emotion. Thus Dinghy Negro Christ to shame formerly Christian Europe into realizing the evil of their attempts at self-preservation.
But of course, the fact that there is no discussion means nothign to anyone, as it is now an accepted fact that logic and reason are part of a sexist, racist, Jew-hating patriarchal conspiracy to hurt people’s feelings on purpose.