Teenage Wasteland: 57% of Teen Girls Feel “Persistent Hopelessness”

As we barrel towards utopia like a bat outta hell, many new and terrible disasters are happening in the society.

It turns out, utopia greatly increases human suffering and removes all meaning from people’s lives.

A recent study shows that “persistent hopelessness” among teens skyrocketed between 2011 and 2021, with a full 57% of teenage girls now reporting a state of total abandon.

Personally, I think teen girls deserve to suffer, and in fact, they should be gang-raped by blacks.

I kid, I kid.

You know what?

I gotta keep you people on your toes.

I can joke about anything and no one bats an eye – except this woman stuff. People freak out. It’s probably cost me a zillion dollars in reader contributions, but hey – I keep it real. I am true to my art. And the purpose of my art is to tear down all of these idols constructed by modernity. The biggest idol of all is the worship of women. It’s not surprising, as that was the first sin, in the Garden of Eden. Adam was too pussy-whipped and bitch-made to stand up to that whore Eve. He thought she was the sweetest little princess as she dragged him down to hell and spoiled paradise for all humanity.

Seriously though: women’s liberation has failed completely; every aspect of this society we live in has failed completely.

As women have gained more and more control over society, they have become less and less happy. The obvious explanation for this is that giving women “liberation” causes unhappiness. But the opposite is assumed by the powers that be, so they come up with convoluted and bizarre explanations.

Everyone should go read a 2016 article from The Guardian entitled “Gains in women’s rights haven’t made women happier. Why is that?” showing the hoops that these people will jump through to justify the vaginal supremacist ideology.

The article not only admits that women’s general happiness has gone down across the Western world in connection to women’s liberation, but actually notes that women who are less liberated in the remaining traditionally-minded societies in Europe are much happier.

Their explanation for this is that when women have liberation, they gain high expectations, and then they become hopeless when those expectations are not met. The solution offered is that they need even more liberation in order to help them meet their expectations of very extreme liberation.

That explanation is on its face utterly nonsensical, and there is zero evidence to back it up. It’s just a baseless assertion. The simplest explanation is that in fact, removing women from their natural role as women makes them feel lost and directionless. The conclusion would then be that we need to put women back in their natural role if we want to boost women’s happiness.

I’ve often compared women’s liberation to liberating children. Children, if allowed to make all their own decisions, would eat candy for dinner every day. This would inevitably make them sick. The analog to this claim by The Guardian would be that the children would try to figure out why they were getting sick even though they were eating candy for dinner, and they would find the explanation that because they are allowed to eat candy for dinner, they have an expectation of a delicious dinner, and it is not delicious enough, so they get sick. The solution would then be even more sugary candy.

The fact is, women will go out and have sex with scores of men because that seems very fun. However, this seriously damages them emotionally and psychologically. They become jaded, alone, and resentful.

Of course, modern teenagers are also dealing with diversity and the gay agenda, along with other disastrous social trends associated with utopia. Most of their parents are divorced. So there are several factors contributing to a sense of hopelessness, but it is certainly notable that rates among women are so much higher than those among men, despite the fact that the diversity and gay agenda would affect men more.

It also must be noted that these hopeless teens are who the government and the media are preying on with the tranny agenda. They go into school and find these hopeless teen girls and tell them that everything will be better if they cut their tits off and start taking injections that make them go bald.

This really made an impression on me:

Women are totally helpless. Despite all of this nonsense we hear about their empowerment, women have zero ability to make decisions and take care of themselves, and they will virtually always make the worst possible decision.

“Should I cut my tits off?” is a binary choice, and more and more of these poor dumb bitches are opting for the chop-chop.

A normal society would care about women and try to do something about what is happening to them. It’s a society of cowardly men who promotes female empowerment and watches them destroy themselves while claiming the moral high ground.