There was a synagogue hostage situation in Texas over the weekend where a Moslem ran up on the bitch, allegedly, and demanded they free his nigga out the system.
So, there’s an international network of Islamics?
Two teenagers in the UK were reportedly arrested Sunday night as part of an investigation into the harrowing hostage-taking of a rabbi and three congregants at a Texas synagogue.
The teens were taken into custody by England’s Greater Manchester Police and were being questioned by investigators, the Independent reported.
It wasn’t immediately clear what connection the pair had to Saturday’s frightening ordeal during a Shabbat morning service at the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville.
British national Malik Faisal Akram, 44, held the victims captive while demanding the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist with suspected ties to al Qaeda currently locked up at a federal prison in Texas, authorities said.
The tense standoff lasted for about 10 hours, part of which was captured on a Facebook live stream of the services. Akram was fatally shot by an FBI team after all four hostages were safely released from the synagogue.
Allegedly, Akram was “British” and came here specifically to do this hostage event. Joe Biden says he did it in America because it’s so easy to get a gun here.
Frankly, I don’t think we should be talking about this when our country is in the midst of grabbling with the rise of white supremacy. It distracts from the real issue.
But we need to talk about it because we have to protect the Jews.
The Jews probably staged this themselves. There are unlimited resources for monitoring all of these internet groups. They definitely do checks on people entering the country.
A Muslim terrorist travels to a Synagogue on the Sabbath and takes a Rabbi and three other Jews hostage, while demanding the release of a convicted Antisemitic terrorist.
Sorry @AP but I'm pretty sure that it's DIRECTLY connected to the Jewish community.
— Joel M. Petlin (@Joelmpetlin) January 16, 2022
No Jews died. Conveniently, the alleged hostage taker died.
So we won’t be hearing anything from him.
FBI identifies the deceased suspect who took hostages at a Texas synagogue as 44-year-old British citizen Malik Faisal Akramhttps://t.co/flxXhgqQbK
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) January 16, 2022
Despite the fact that this is Moslems, it is all about the poor sweet innocent Jews, and it’s now apparently about an “international network,” which justifies more “cooperation to monitor potential extremists.”
I’m not saying Moslems don’t fly off the handle or whatever – but I mean, they let the guy fly into the US.
The event could just be totally fake. All this livestream shows is talking.
Also, just want to say – Ilhan Omar is a CUCK.
Thank God for the freeing of the hostages. Blessings to the members of Beth-Israel synagogue and the entire community.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) January 16, 2022